Planning Application Public Consultation and Exhibition:
Clacton Hospital, Clacton-on-Sea
Proposed healthcare facilities including Urgent Treatment Centre
Welcome and thank you for viewing our planning application consultation event.

We are pleased to have this opportunity to share with you our development proposals at Clacton Hospital,
East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) are working on proposals for new healthcare facilities including an Urgent Treatment Centre at Clacton Hospital. The development proposals will provide increased access to vital healthcare services and improve care and experience for the existing and future population.
The Urgent Treatment Centre will have:
- 9 consulting/examination rooms
- Dedicated isolation room
- 3 triage rooms
- Eye and plaster rooms
- Dedicated mental health consulting room.
The new facility will provide a better patient experience in terms of both physical access to healthcare and an improved clinical environment in a more convenient location.
Scheme Proposals
The development proposals for the scheme are as follows:
- Demolition of existing Urgent Treatment Centre.
- Erection of two storey building to provide urgent treatment and primary care services.
- Provision of roof top mechanical equipment room.
- Provision of reinstated front entrance to existing Jubilee building.
- Provision of a ground and first floor link walkway from the new building into the existing buildings to be refurbished.
- Provision of drop off layby onto Freeland Road; alterations to internal access road and provision of ambulance parking bays.
- Provision of supplementary landscaping.
The development proposals represent a significant healthcare investment, which will make a valuable contribution and improvement to the care provided across Clacton and surrounding areas.
The building will be of a high quality, contemporary design that will have a positive visual impact on this part of the hospital site, supplemented with additional soft landscaping.
Your feedback is very important to help us develop our proposals and you are invited to view them and comment as part of a planning application public consultation between 18 January and 1 February 2024.

How to comment on the proposals
You can either attend the planning application consultation event in person or, if you are unable to attend, you can view the proposals online.
The in person event will be held:
At: Sam’s Hall, Community Voluntary Services Tendring, 20-22 Rosemary Road, Clacton-on-Sea, CO15 1NZ
On: Thursday 18 January 2024
From: 4pm – 8pm
More information regarding the proposal is available to download here
Please note that the consultation is now closed.
The planning application consultation period ran from Thursday 18 January 2024 until 5pm on Thursday 1 February 2024
If you have any queries, please contact Lawson Planning Partnership Ltd, at
Your views are very important to help us develop our proposals, and we look forward to hearing from you.