Public Consultation and Exhibition:
St Margaret’s Hospital, Epping: Proposed Community Diagnostic Centre
Welcome and thank you for viewing our consultation event.

We are pleased to have this opportunity to share with you our development proposals at St Margaret’s Hospital, Epping.
The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust (PAHT) have secured funding for a Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) and ancillary works at St Margaret’s Hospital. The CDC will support quicker and more local access to diagnostic tests close to patient’s homes.
There will be extended opening times and additional equipment, including:
- Two additional computerised tomography (CT) scanners;
- Extended hours for X-rays;
- New ultrasound equipment;
- New cardiology equipment;
- New respiratory equipment;
- Relocated MRI scanner; and
- More phlebotomists to be recruited – increasing the number of blood tests that can be carried out.
This will significantly improve the experience for patients accessing diagnostic services, enabling the community to be seen more quickly and closer to their homes, with more options for appointment times that are convenient for them. This aims to have further benefits of contributing to the NHS’s net zero ambitions by providing multiple tests at one visit, reducing the number of patient journeys and helping to cut carbon emissions and air pollution.
Scheme Proposals
The CDC project will be undertaken in three phases, with a planning application currently being prepared for the phase one works.
Phase one will comprise the refurbishment and extension of North Bungalow and will include:
- Erection of a single storey building and link to the North Bungalow to provide a relocated radiology facility;
- Reallocation of the existing car parking area to the east of the North Bungalow to provide a drop off zone for patients/visitors and dedicated disabled parking;
- Staff and patient/visitors’ car and cycle parking;
- Potential dedicated ambulance parking area;
- Reconfiguration of the western and northern car parks for patients/visitors and staff;
- Provision of a substation, generator and ancillary infrastructure to support the facility;
- Provision of a rooftop plant; and
- Supplementary landscaping and ancillary works.
The Community Diagnostic Centre represents a significant healthcare investment, which will make a valuable contribution and improvement to the care provided across Epping and surrounding areas.
The building will be of a high quality, contemporary design that will have a positive visual impact on this area of the site, supplemented with additional soft landscaping, while the size and scale is in keeping with existing buildings in Spencer Close at the southern part of the hospital site.
Your feedback is very important to help us develop our proposals and you are invited to view them and comment as part of the public consultation between 10 January and 24 January 2024.

How to comment on the proposals
You can either attend the consultation event in person or, if you are unable to attend, you can view the proposals online.
The in person event will be held:
At: Spencer Close, St Margaret’s Hospital, The Plain, Epping, CM16 6TN
On: Wednesday 10 January 2024
From: 4pm – 8pm
Please note that the consultation is now closed.
The consultation period ran from Wednesday 10 January until 5pm on Wednesday 24 January 2024
If you have any queries, please contact Lawson Planning Partnership Ltd, at